Duratrans is a brand name substrate of Kodak which stands for “Durable Transparency”. Very often it is used as a generic term for Backlit display prints. The generic term that for movie and TV backdrops that are lit from behind is translucent. It’s the stuff that’s used for custom light boxes and backlit film printing for projections. More specifically, it’s a clear polyester photographic print medium that is often flushed with a translucent milky layer to diffuse light evenly throughout a back-lit image. Sounds fancy, huh? It’s actually more common than you think. The backlit film posters at movie theaters are most likely made from lightbox Duratrans and or created with Duratrans printing. Those backlit printing on menu boards in fast food drive-thrus that light up once the sun goes down. Yup, those are lightbox Duratrans too. Lit up bus stop advertisements, retail window displays; you name it every backlit print you see is most likely a Duratrans lightbox. These prints are perfect for applications and promotions where you need your message to be seen day or night and with vibrant crystal clarity.
Duratrans Printing

Duratrans Printing

Duratrans Printing
